Writer. Reader. Obsessive Organiser.
I don’t have countless vivid memories of being a kid. I’ve no idea why, but often when I think back, it’s like I’m trying to recall an old, vaguely familiar television show. One very clear memory I do have though, is of a cupboard. No ordinary cupboard, but a cupboard full of books. To be exact, a stock cupboard in the school Library where my mum taught. I can still picture the small airless space, the piles and piles of novels (curriculum specific) and the musty smell of well-thumbed paper. I loved it. If someone had locked me in, I would have happily stayed there all day. Flash forward thirty something years (let’s not linger on those numbers) and I’m still thinking about being in that cupboard, surrounded by all those stories. For me, that’s where it all begins and ends, with the power and shared experience of stories.
Since exiting that stock cupboard and transporting myself to South London, I can be found writing scripts, stories, articles and the odd elaborate Tweet.
I write scripts and produce truly independent films with the production powerhouse that is Guildhall Pictures. My thriller script The Passenger hit the screen recently and is available to watch on all good streaming platforms.
I have written for film outlets such as Movie Marker and UKHS, covering reviews of both indie gems and major studio films. In a similar vein, I’ve penned a series of articles shining a light on the creative people, films and places you might not otherwise hear about. This became my blog - Try the Other Guy.
My fiction writing often focuses on flawed but relatable women (know any?) and I’ve written a series of short stories and countless pieces of flash fiction. My 500 word short Night Tube is part of the City of Stories anthology and I am currently working on my first novel, Time Travel is Cheaper Than Therapy.
When not writing, you’ll probably find me chatting about film on a podcast, obsessively organising something, or in a cupboard reading a book. (Bookshop staff - check your stock rooms.)
Thanks for reading (if indeed you did),
If you’d like to contact me or are in need of a writer, please email me at sineadbeverland@gmail.com